“As a mom you really start looking beyond the current situation and to what’s coming for your kids, and their kids. We need to take action now so our kids have a better future,” says Jemae Hoffman. Read More
“As a mom you really start looking beyond the current situation and to what’s coming for your kids, and their kids. We need to take action now so our kids have a better future,” says Jemae Hoffman. Read More
Aug. 12, 2015 — Cascadia Weekly
Our salmon are in hot water. More than a quarter million sockeye salmon returning from the ocean to spawn are either dead or dying in the Columbia River and its tributaries due to warming water temperatures.
Aug. 10, 2015 — The Seattle Times
The dust has settled on a frustrating legislative session. Time and again, oil interests blocked broadly supported steps to encourage the transition to clean energy and cut global-warming pollution.
July 23, 2015 — Tacoma News Tribune
Don’t be fooled by the cooling relief Western Washington is receiving this week. It’s a mirage.
You may recognize Zarna Joshi from news broadcasts or from her interview in the New York Times. She helped organize the high profile, anti-Arctic drilling protests in Seattle this spring. Read More
July 5, 2015 — Seattle Times
The papal encyclical and the Lancet Commission report are reframing the climate issue, putting people at its center.
Feb. 23, 2015 — Seattle Times
The oil industry acknowledges that a price on carbon emissions is inevitable, but it shows no interest in Gov. Jay Inslee’s cap-and-trade proposal.
June 30, 2015 — The Olympian
The Washington state Department of Ecology recently released a draft clean fuel standard. This rule would require oil refineries and fuel distributors to ensure that our fuel supply gets cleaner over time, with a 10-percent reduction in carbon pollution from gasoline and diesel over the next decade.
June 30, 2015 — Seattle Stranger
Over the weekend, state lawmakers arrived at a deal to finally pass a transportation package. Well, “deal” is a strong word. Over the weekend, certain lawmakers capitulated to certain belligerent assclowns demanding that the state continue to prioritize the interests of the fossil fuel industry over public health.